Things to Know


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Things To Know


Introduced in the early 20th century and gaining popularity since the 1950s (with around 500,000 procedures yearly), vasectomy serves as a straightforward birth control method for men not looking to have more children.

Taking just 15 minutes, this procedure is done in a doctor’s office or clinic under local anesthesia. The main objective is to block sperm from mixing with semen, where most of it consists of support fluid produced by glands in the pelvic area.

Gentle & Fast Healing Technique

Procedure and Recovery:
Completion in approximately 15 minutes, often perceived as less painful than a blood sample.
Scrotal support applied; wear overnight and for the next 2 days.
Minimal discomfort post-vasectomy; prescribed pain pills rarely needed.
Full activity, including sex, resumes 2 days after the procedure.
Semen samples evaluated 12 weeks after the procedure to confirm sperm absence.

Advanced Vasectomy Procedure

No-Scalpel Technique

The no-scalpel technique, exposing each vas in turn through a tiny opening in the front scrotal wall under local anesthesia. Since the opening is so small, it is easy to apply anesthesia without the use of needles. A spray applicator (MadaJet®) delivers a stream of anesthetic so fine that it penetrates the skin and diffuses to a depth of about 3/16 of an inch, enough to surround and anesthetize each vas tube in turn as it is lifted into position beneath the skin.

Needle-Free Anesthesia

Since blood vessels in the skin are spread apart rather than cut, bleeding is less than when a scalpel is used, no stitches are required, and the opening is usually sealed closed (often barely visible) by the next day.Once each vas tube is lifted through the small skin opening, it is divided under direct vision with fine surgical scissors. Nothing is removed; the ends of the divided vas are placed out of alignment and kept from rejoining by applying a tiny clip to the sheath surrounding the vas so that one end stays inside the sheath, the other outside.

MadaJet® Application

Nothing is removed; the ends of the divided vas are placed out of alignment and kept from rejoining by applying a tiny clip to the sheath surrounding the vas so that one end stays inside the sheath, the other outside. While extremely effective (failure rate less than 1 in 2000), the technique provides for easier reversal in men who choose reversal later in life. Procedure time is about 15 minutes. Most men say it hurts less than having a blood sample drawn. Many have called it painless.

Minimal Anesthetic

While extremely effective (failure rate less than 1 in 2000), the technique provides for easier reversal in men who choose reversal later in life. Procedure time is about 15 minutes. Most men say it hurts less than having a blood sample drawn. Many have called it painless. A scrotal support (jockstrap) is applied and should be worn overnight and reapplied, after a next-morning shower, when up and around for the next 2 days. Ice-packs are not necessary.

Hemostat Opening

Men are advised to recline on the evening of the vasectomy, light activity the next day, sex and full activity 2 days after the vasectomy. After vasectomy about half of men will take non-prescription pain pills (Tylenol or ibuprofen), often just to prevent expected discomfort; the other half don’t take any pain pills. About 1 in 1000 men will have enough discomfort to request a prescription pain medication.

Bloodless & Stitch-Free

Semen samples can be brought or mailed (we provide the mailers) to the office twelve (12) weeks after the procedure to see if all stored sperm have been passed. Ninety-eight percent of men are sperm-free after 12 weeks and 20 ejaculations, some sooner, and a few men will not be sperm-free for 5 or 6 months. Evaluation of semen samples is included in the price. A copy of our vasectomy instructions and consent is available below and here as a PDF file. Be prepared to sign this consent before your procedure.



Additional Financial Information

We accept insurance HSA, cash, credit card, check, and will have payment plan through CareCredit available soon.


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